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This work sheet explains the use of the present continuous tense. Pupils should read through the sentences and match them with the pictures using numbers.
Pupils learn about hobbies. The children should ask around in class what everyone likes and compare the results on the sheet.
Example: Question: Do you like swimming? Answer: No, I don't like swimming. Yes, I like swimming.
This work sheet explains the use of "was - were" using some examples and a few exercises.
This little picture dictionary asks pupils to cut out and match the words with the pictures.
The five human senses form the topic on this work sheet. There are several pictures assigned to the various senses. There is one that does not fit and should be crossed out.
This exercise asks pupils to compose a letter to their mother using the phrases given thanking her for the various things she does for them. E.g. Thank you for baking my birthday cake,…
This work sheet explains the use of modal verbs in the present, past and future tenses (must not, must, can, may, don't have to, don't need to) with the help of a few exercises.
For this work sheet, pupils should distinguish between school activities and hobbies. They can match the words or phrases with the pictures.
Children get to know a few things about the human senses. Pupils can draw lines to match the things you can hear, see, smell, taste or feel.
This work sheet explains when and how to use have/haven´t/has/hasn´t.
This work sheet explains when and how to use "do" or "make" and includes some exercises for pupils to try.
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