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Pupils should match several road signs with their descriptions using numbers.
This work sheet gives an overview of some important words and phrases used when travelling by public transport by offering translation exercises.
The focus of this work sheet is giving some basic information about Australia including some tourist attractions.
This work sheet contains some exercises based on being at the beach. Pupils must first find the correct translation for certain objects and then translate some basic sentences.
This work sheet gives an overview of some important words and phrases used at the airport by offering translation exercises.
On this work sheet is a reply written by a hotel to an inquiry from a potential guest. Pupils should read through it and fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
Pupils can assign a list of words to various pictures by writing their numbers into the circles.
This work sheet includes a list of countries which pupils can translate either into English or German using the words from the box.
Pupils will learn about the various possible means of travel through the USA. They should find out about the different ways of getting around the huge country and have a discussion with their partners.
This work sheet gives an overview of some important words and phrases used while staying at a hotel by offering translation exercises.
Some important words and phrases used at the doctor’s are listed here including some translation exercises for pupils.
Pupils get to know some important words and phrases used while at the bank by completing translation exercises.
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